Bags of Soil

$5.99 $60.00

SKU: N/A Category:
soil-pic-319-18-19 Lawn Fert. - covers 4000 sq. ft. $45.00

Out of stock

sunshine1Sunshine #1 - 3.8 cu. ft. $55.00

Out of stock

sunshine-4Sunshine #4 - 3.0cu. ft. $55.00

Out of stock

promixhpHP Pro-Mix w/ Mycorise - 3.8 cu. ft. $60.00

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premiertechpeatmossPeat Moss - 3.8 cu. ft. $19.99

Out of stock

sunshine-peat-moss-2.2Peat Moss - 2.2 cu. ft. $15.99

Out of stock

blackgoldpremiumseedingmixBlack Gold Premium Seeding Mix - 20 L $13.99

Out of stock

cilpottingsoilNatural Potting Soil - 15L $5.99

Out of stock

cilpottingsoilNatural Potting Soil - 25L $9.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Pro-Mix Potting Soil - 18L $9.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Pro-Mix Potting and Container Soil - 28L $12.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Pro-Mix Potting and Container Soil - 56.6L $18.99

Out of stock

promixorganicvegetableand-herbmixPro-Mix Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix - 28L $10.99

Out of stock

triple-mixTriple Mix - 25L $6.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Topsoil (Black Earth) - 25L $5.99

Out of stock

cattle-manureBiomax Composted Cattle Manure - 15kg $8.99

Out of stock

composted-sheep-manureComposted (Sheep) Manure - 15kg $8.99

Out of stock

mushroommanureBiomax Mushroom Manure - 25L $7.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Chicken Manure - 11kg $19.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Early Rise Potting Soil - 60L $16.99

Out of stock

soil-pic-3Ceder Mulch - 100% Natural - 42.5L $8.99

Out of stock